1. PURPOSE OF MBC - to glorify God by being a family of disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn make disciples.
- 2. SCRIPTURES - We believe all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, are sufficient and complete, without error and are inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- 3. GODHEAD - We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- 4. GOD THE FATHER - We believe in God the Father perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in power.
- 5. JESUS CHRIST THE SON - We believe that Jesus Christ is the exact image of the invisible God. We believe that He is the one and only Son of God and is the firstborn of all creation.
- 6. HOLY SPIRIT - We believe in the Personality and deity of the Holy Spirit who participated in creation and the authoring of the Scriptures. We believe the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin, causes spiritual birth, indwells, seals, sanctifies, guides, equips, teaches, is a Helper and fills the believer.
- 7. HUMAN CONDITION - We believe that man was created by God in His own image. But the first man fell into sin through personal disobedience and, as a result, all mankind inherits his sinful nature is unable to save himself and faces God’s Justice of eternal punishment.
- 8. SALVATION - We believe that salvation is available to everyone in the whole world and was accomplished solely by the finished work of Christ both in His death and resurrection and no work on the part of any person can merit this salvation.
- 9. THE CHURCH - We believe in the Church; a living spiritual body of which Christ is the Head and of which all regenerated believers are members.
- 10. CHRISTIAN LIVING - We believe that every Christian has direct access to God through His Son and His Word and is responsible to God and the Body of Christ in all matters of faith.
- 11. LITERAL HISTORY & CREATION - We believe that chapters 1 – 11 of Genesis are rightly understood as accurate, literal history as Jesus and the New Testament affirm.
- 12. CHRIST'S RETURN & REIGN AND OUR ETERNAL HOPE - We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to rapture the Church Age saints followed by the tribulation period, and the visible return of Jesus Christ with His saints for His millennial reign on earth. We also believe in and look forward to the culmination of our eternal hope, which is God dwelling with us forever in the new heaven and the new earth.
- 13. THE CHURCH & ISRAEL - We believe Scripture distinguishes between Israel and the Church and that God will keep his promises to both.
- 14. HUMANITY - We believe God created humanity, both male and female, both reflecting the image and likeness of God and neither being the product of evolution. Each person’s biological sex has been sovereignly appointed by God and is an irreversible aspect of his or her nature.
- 15. HUMAN SEXUALITY - We believe God created human sexuality as a good gift for both procreation and pleasure within the bounds of marriage. We believe that any form of sexual intimacy outside of marriage is both immoral and a perversion of God’s gift.
- 16. ANGELS, SATAN & DEMONS - We believe God created angels as spiritual beings with freedom of choice, having supernatural powers subject to God’s sovereign purposes. As a result of Satan’s fall, both righteous and unrighteous angels (aka “demons”) exist.